1.How dose a Hero become a Hero?
I think that a person becomes a hero when they spend time with you, and help you out. Like if a friends older brother helps you out with school, and gives you advice, you could consider that person a hero.
2. Project Description
So The Hero In My Eyes project is a project where we interviewed a person who is a hero to us. Then we wrote a paper on a moment that we spent with are hero, that we thought was heroic. We had to remember the details that happened and then add them into that paper.
3. Process
So first we interviewed are hero and wrote the manuscript. From that manuscript we made a first draft, and added duologue form the manuscript. Then we did pier editing a few times until we got the final product.
4. Reflection
I learned that I can write some thing good, and it be fun. This project has helped me learned that its better to do your best the first time, so that you don't have as much work later.
5. Habits of Mind
I used a perspective mind set so I could see what the reader would get out of the story. Also to make sure that it made sense and was easy to read. I also use a different Perspective when writing to see if the final product would end up the way I wanted it to, and it did.
Link to the Project.