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When the crickets chirp, and the first bass beat drops. A image comes to mind, the image is an alien in his ship some where in a field. He decides to turn on the TV, and finds him self on MTV. So he changes the channel with a loud thump he ends up on an opera show, but he doesn't like it. Again he changes the channel and ends up on the ABC channel and hears them humm. The crickrts start up again, and the alien says something in his own languge that quites them down. He stands up and streaches, and his suit makes weaird noises adn pickes up the remote. He presses the button and the bass beat pounds, has he turns off the TV. He takes a few steps and then streaches again. The crickets start to chirp again and he talk's to them as if he were talking to a long lost friend. He continues his walk and sits on his bed, which makes his suit make its final squek. he lays his head down to go to sleep, and said his final good bye's. Then silence come over the field, and the alien drifts off into a deep sleep.
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