Sunday, April 25, 2010

My Parents Response

So I started to tell my parents about the movie that we were watching in class. I talked about how we got to see how animals were treated and the enviorments that they lived in. They said that they all ready had know about facts like that, and have tryed to change their diet. So I told them about how if they companys that make the meats feed the animals what they eat naturly for a week, the animals would be much healther, and that their would be less problems with the meat. Their responce to this was that people would be healther if big companys started taking cair of the animals and feeding them what their supposed to eat insted of feeding them corn, just so they could make easy money, their would be less problems and people would be healthy.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Dialectic Journal

In My Ishmael the chaptersSchool Daze and School Daze II, we looking at topics that they talk about, Rachel Sokolow, and how Ishmael watched her grow up and start school and how excited she was but as she grew older here interest decreased.
This is one of the quotes that I favor in these chapters.
“People imagine
That they'd like to see their children enter the workplace with really useful business skills, but if they
Actually did so, they'd immediately begin competing for jobs with their older siblings and their parents,
Which would be catastrophic. And if graduates came out of school with advanced skills, who would bag
the groceries, Julie? Who would do the sweeping up? Who would pump the gas? Who would do the
filing? Who would flip the burgers?"
"I suppose it would turn into an age thing."
"You mean you'd tell Johnny Smith and Jennie Jones that they can't have the jobs they want, not
because others are more qualified but because others are older."