As I lead Alex into the living room, memories came to mind. Video games and drawing were the only things we use to talk about for hours on end. He had on dark blue baggy jeans, and a tan shirt with an oozy on it. So we finally sat down and I asked the first question, " So do you remember what we did the first time I came to your house?"
"... No," he let out a laugh, " I have horrible memory. But didn't we talk about video games?"
"Yeah, we did we also talked about drawing and then we played a few Xbox games." As I sat there looking at Alex I remembered every thing that happened that day. As soon as I walked in he said sorry about the mess, but his house looked exactly like my room so I felt at home. We sat down and he told me about a game he was thinking about making, and he pulled some pages out of a binder with drawings. He explained the stories behind the characters, and what they were going to wear, and every thing. Then he asked if I had ever played Dead or Alive and I had never played it so he wanted me to play. As soon as I saw the characters I remembered that I played a newer version at my friend house, but I didn't tell him. When we started playing I quickly killed his character, and I looked over at him.
His mouth was open and he looked awe-struck with his eyes popping out of his head. He said that this time he wouldn't hold back, and I knew that it was time for an epic battle. During the battle I looked over at Alex, all of his concentration was focused on the TV. He was biting his bottom lip and each time I hit his character his eyes grew narrower until the final blow was delivered. He threw his arms in the air and his dreads swung around like they had a mind of their own. I laughed so hard that I couldn't keep my eyes open, but when they did open he was laughing along with me.
"Oh, yeah next question. So do you remember what we did after we left your house?" I tried to act like I was just deep in thought instead of having a flash back.
"Ha, ahhhhh didn't we go out to eat?" he asked with one eyebrow raised.
"Na, we went with the church to sing to the elderly."
“YEAH! I remember that, we sang Christmas carols and talked to some interesting older people."
I remembered talking to this one man with Alex, he was talking about how much it sucked to be old. He told us to have as much fun as we could before we got old, and to not worry about the little things in life. Later on he talked about his son and his grand children, he explained that because of the grand children he couldn't live with his son because it would be too much. But he assured us that his son would get him out of there before he died, so he could get some real food.
"So," I continued "do you remember the first time we met?"
"Nope, but I do know that it was in children's church."
This was the only thing that I didn't remember, probably because it was so long ago. But we both had an interest in the question.
"How does it feel to know that you’re my Hero?"
"Surprised and honored, I feel and know that theirs a responsibility that comes with it. It’s very rewarding."
"Okay, last question. So did you ever think that you would be some ones hero?"
"Yeah, but more for like killing zombies and thing like that" I watch his face light up with joy as a smile jumped on his face, that's the Alex I know. When ever I have a problem, I know I can look to him for help.